commercial cleaning in salt lake city

Salt Lake City Commercial Cleaning: Mistakes When Cleaning Windows

Windows are a significant component of most buildings. Not only do windows add to their aesthetic appeal, but they can also provide safety and security. However, these benefits only accrue if your windows are clean. 

While cleaning windows may seem easy and straightforward, it’s more common to make inevitable mistakes. This often leaves your windows looking streaky or cloudy. As such, you must learn the ways to properly clean your windows. 

Better yet, you can get commercial cleaning Salt Lake City expert service to help clean your windows.

Let’s look at the common mistakes many people make when cleaning windows.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Cleaning Your Windows 

You can ensure proper cleaning of your windows by avoiding inevitable mistakes. Some of these mistakes are: 

#1. Using the Wrong Tools

Many people use paper towels or newspapers to clean windows. That’s a major no-no. Those materials can leave lint or streaks. 

Instead, use a squeegee with a soft rubber blade. Better yet, you can use a microfiber cloth for best results.

#2. Cleaning in Direct Sunlight

Cleaning windows in direct sunlight causes the cleaning solution to dry quickly. This typically leaves streaks behind. Instead, try to clean your windows on a cloudy day or in the shade.

#3. Not Dusting First

Skipping the dusting step can lead to muddy streaks on your windows. To avoid this, use a soft-bristled brush or a vacuum with a brush attachment. 

This will help you to efficiently remove dust, dirt, and cobwebs from the window frame and sill.

#4. Using Too Much Cleaner

Using too much cleaning solution can leave a residue on your windows. All you need to clean your windows efficiently is a mild detergent mixed with water. 

#5. Neglecting the Window Screens

Dirty window screens can transfer grime to your windows. Remove the screens and gently scrub them with a brush and soapy water. Afterward, rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry before reinstalling.

#6. Skipping the Rinse

Failing to rinse the cleaning solution off your windows can result in streaks and residue. As such, use clean water to rinse the windows after cleaning. After that, use your squeegee to remove excess water.

#7. Using Vinegar on Hard Water Stains

While vinegar is a popular natural cleaner, it’s ineffective against hard water stains. Instead, use a commercial cleaner specifically designed to remove hard water deposits.

#8. Ignoring the Window Edges

It’s easy to focus on the center of the window and neglect the edges. But often, the edges of the window are where dirt and grime accumulate. So, use a cloth or sponge to clean those places.

#9. Using a Dirty Squeegee

A dirty squeegee can leave streaks on your windows. As such, clean the squeegee blade regularly with soap and water.

#10. Not Drying the Sill

After cleaning your windows, remember to dry the sill to prevent water damage and mold growth. You can use a dry cloth to absorb any excess moisture.

#11. Applying Too Much Pressure

Applying too much pressure while cleaning glass causes streaks, smudges, and scratches. What’s more, it can also damage window seals and strain your muscles. 

To avoid these issues, use a light touch and let the cleaning solution and tools do the work.

#12. Cleaning on a Windy Day

Cleaning windows on a windy day can result in several issues. For one, the wind can blow dust and debris onto the wet glass, creating a dirty and streaky finish. Furthermore, it can cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, leaving behind streaks and residue. 

Lastly, strong gusts of wind can make it challenging to control cleaning tools. This increases the risk of accidental damage to the windows or surrounding area.

#13. Not Hiring Professionals 

Not hiring professional window cleaners when cleaning numerous windows simply isn’t wise. Also, without the proper tools, equipment, and expertise that professionals possess, the cleaning process may take longer. 

Furthermore, overlooking the need for commercial cleaning Salt Lake City service may increase the risk of accidents. It can also result in damage to windows, leading to costly repairs.

Bottom Line

You can achieve streak-free and sparkling windows when you know the errors you shouldn’t make when cleaning. Better yet, you can contact commercial cleaners in Salt Lake City to help you achieve your desired result.